Monday 13 July 2015

Week 3- Principles of Flight

Evening Everyone,

It has been a bit full-on this week but as always, we don't forget the fun on our course. On Monday we finished off Human Performance. We were treated to a presentation by a world leading Aviation Medical Examiner who specialises in the study of disorientation and how it affects pilots. It was an interesting talk confirming much of what we had learnt during the topic. He also bought these special glasses along which crossed over our vision. Below are a few videos showing the effects of these glasses; somehow I think I failed walking in a straight line miserably.






In the evening some of us met up for a BBQ but we couldn't afford to have a late night this time as Tuesday was a CBT day.
Kieran taking charge of the situation!
Leo cooking his steak to perfection!

Throughout the rest of the week we have been studying Principles of Flight (POF) which is probably one of the most important topics for us to get to grips with. It covers how an aircraft actually flies and involves a fair amount of physics with a little maths chucked in for good measure (my favourite...not!) POF was the subject I was always most afraid of studying and the one I knew I would struggle with most (it has definitely lived up to my expectations.) This weekend has been filled with 10 hrs of revision on Saturday and a few more today!

In other news, there was amazing cloud formation above our house a few days ago (picture below) although I can't tell you what the cloud is called because I haven't studied meteorology yet! Earlier in the week it was Jon's Birthday. Because he loves surprises (not) a cake was given to him with a card and he got the best present anyone could wish for, an introduction to POF!
Maybe it's just me that gets excited about
 these clouds...!

Jon looking very happy with
 his chocolate cake!

Anyway, that's all for now as I need to get my head back into the world of POF! Feel free to comment or email me with any questions and I will get back to you when I can!

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